We decided to publish some info on Saltrock that you may find of interest. As well as details of new seasons products, new retail stores opening and events we wanted to provide people interested in our brand a window into the ethos of our company. We'll be hoping to keep you updated with what we've got going on and regularly be publishing the musings of some of our team here.
Anyway, to start off with, a brief history of the company - Saltrock Surfwear Ltd.
Saltrock begain it's life in a garage, on a budget of £500. The Thompson brothers reasons for starting was simple...
To stay invloved with the lifestyle they loved... and to make enough money so come the winters they could chase the next perfect wave.
The majority of materials were taken from local skips... Honest!
Can you just check the manual?
Er, What manual?
Stretching and glueing the silk to the frames to make the screens.
If a safe is made to withstand being blown up, I'm sure we can convert one into an oven to cure our Teeshirts...
“And we cooked a few
in the process”
Our pride and joy - one old bank safe - line with tinfoil on the inside, Polystyrene on the outside, heating elements and a thermostat reaching a top temperature of 170°C . It proved a very effective curting uint (although it could only cure two tees at a time).
Angus Thompson with the
Tinfoil Curing Safe
Are you sure we
screwed it in properly?
This pience of equipment cost us our last penny! But it was necessary to develop artwork to screens.
Also pictured is the highly advanced blackout system otherwise known as a Salvation Army rug.
So if we develop every piece of artwork in exactly the same place on each screen and they all fit in exactly the same place on the print bed we can print the multiple colours... Right?
The virgin print bed and screens
It works..Now how do we
Pay for more Tee Shirts?
The first Screen and print strike offs.
By 1991 the premises had improved and the machinery was better.
But it was a time when 24 Hour shifts and working weekends were common place. At this time the brothers were joined by a highly charged partner - Carl.
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